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Turkey Mozzarella Sausage

This sausage came from SGK’s desire to have a more kid friendly sausage. She took this to mean no red pepper; I took it to mean cheese.

5lbs ground free range turkey. The ground turkey was cheaper than the whole. I chose turkey as it is lean and with the addition of the cheese I didn’t want it the sausage to be too fatty
5lbs ground pork. I had this leftover in my freezer from the last time I made sausage.
2lbs Precious brand low moisture mozzarella
1 entire bulb as big as my 5 year old’s fist garlic
21 pearl onions. Red, white, and yellow
14.5g Fennel seed. The fennel (or Anise seed in a pinch) is what makes an Italian sausage Italian.
10g Caraway seed (supplements the fennel)
10g Black pepper, coarse ground)
8.5g Peppercorns, multi-coloured (for texture)
30g Corn sugar. In a fermented sausage the sugar would serve as food for the bio that you add; in a fresh sausage like this one it’s to help bind the meat so it stays relatively firm.
6g Coriander, ground
2.5g Coriander seed, whole (for texture)
100g Kosher salt. Kosher salt is not iodized. You don’t want to cook with iodine!
¼ cup 2004 Cline ancient vine zinfandel
2 cups Water
4¼ oz Trader Joes brand sun dried tomatoes in olive oil (The sun dried tomatoes were SGK’s idea)
8½ oz Christopher Ranch brand Sun dried tomato pesto (The only kind of sun dried tomatoes they had at nob hill)
6g Colmans yellow mustard powder
2g Brown mustard seed
Several feet 32-35mm Hog casing

Grind the garlic, onions, tomatoes, and cheese with a coarse plate. Mix thoroughly and stuff.

I had a heck of a time with my little 5lb stuffer. I was using the medium sized spout, and I guess the cheese was clogging up the works. I switched to the large spout, which worked well, but it plumped the sausage thicker than I would have liked. I’m toying with the idea of getting a sausage stuffer attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer, which might help the problem as it has a continuous feed rather than a plunger like the 5lb stuffer.

The other problem I’m having is that the on a good number of the sausages, the links come undone, and when you cook them all the cheese comes out. I need to work on my linking technique.

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