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Pail 6

Pail 6
NV Mostimondiali Italian Zinfandel

This was the first grape wine I made, and was a trial run for the real thing. It came from a Mostimondiali Juice pail early in the summer of 2007 so it’s likely a 2006 product hence the name “Pail 6”.

It came out with a huge body and oak, mainly because I played with it rather than sticking to the manufacturer’s instructions.

I bottled it twice. After the first bottling, where I drank 2 or 3 bottles, I learned the hard way about de-gassing kit wines, as it had a distinct fizz. I then decanted the whole lot and stuck it in a brand new small format Hungarian oak barrel from Vadai. The result was an over oaked bomb, mostly suited for blending; fortunately I had several wines in need of this.

The vast majority of this wine is blended into the following:
2008 Bella Sangiovese (75% Bruces Sangiovese/25% Pail 6 Primativo)
2008 Reserve Sangiovese (90% post-Saignée Bruce’s Sangiovese/10% Pail 6 Primativo)
2008 Big Boss Zin (95% Wilderotter Zinfandel/5% Pail 6 Primativo)

The rest is bottled alone.
Less than 1 case produced.

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