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2010 Influenza

Artwork by Isabella Alessio

This blend began as a racking mistake – I accidentally racked a barrel of Carignane into a vat of Tempranillo, resulting in an almost 50% blend of the two. I let it age that way for over a year – then when it came time to bottle the remaining Tempranillo I presented my guinea pigs – Uh I mean friends with several blind tastings – and what won out was not the Tempranillo on it’s own; nor the 50/50 blend I accidentally created, but a blend of almost all the remaining Tempranillo and the 50/50 blend – resulting in a ±65/35 blend of Tempranillo/Carignane. I further fine tuned it by adding small bits of Grenache and Mataro.

Given that all these varietals are endemic to Spain; Tempranillo is Spain’s grape, and Carignane (known there as Cariñena), Grenache (Garnacha), and Mataro (Monastrell) are frequently blending partners I wanted to name this wine “Spanish Lady” which is a nickname for the 1911 flu – Yea, a stretch but I’m a nerd so deal with it.

The Tempranillo is from the Full Moon Vineyard in Capay Valley,
The Carignane is from 100+ year old vines from the Steruds Vineyard in Oakley,
The Grenache and Mataro both came from Wine Tree Farms Vineyard in Amador.
11 Cases produced

2010 Tempranillo

Artwork by Isabella Alessio

I once had a Capay Valley Tempranillo that I particularly liked, so I hunted down some grapes with good expectations. This put me in touch with the Spurlocks of Full Moon Vineyard. I bought 300lbs from them; most of which ended up in the “Influenza” blend

2 Cases Produced

2009 Petite Sirah Port

Artwork by Isabella Alessio

This wine did not start out intending to be a desert wine. I bought 100lbs of Petite Sirah intending on using it as a blender with my Zin, and whatever else needed it. I figured that I could use it 2 years running, and then bottle whatever was left at the third year.
This I did – except by the third year it was slightly oxidised. I tried every trick – Casein; PVPP; Charcoal. They all lessened the oxidation, but did not remove it.
So, rather than fight the oxidation I decided to embrace it. I spiked the wine to 20%ABV with Everclear and sweetened it up to 8bx with Petite Sirah Concentrate. The result is a slightly tawny Petite Sirah. Quite pleasant.

3 Cases produced.


This was intended to be an IPA – but I changed my process and think I also got some crystal malt that was darker than usual. More bitter than I like, and more brown than I like.

2009 Wine Tree Farm Grenache

Artwork by Isabella Alessio

Like drinking a glass of flowers.
Most of this years Grenache made it into the Red Roan. 1.5 cases reserved and bottled as a varietal.
Amador County