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2009 Petite Sirah Port

Artwork by Isabella Alessio

This wine did not start out intending to be a desert wine. I bought 100lbs of Petite Sirah intending on using it as a blender with my Zin, and whatever else needed it. I figured that I could use it 2 years running, and then bottle whatever was left at the third year.
This I did – except by the third year it was slightly oxidised. I tried every trick – Casein; PVPP; Charcoal. They all lessened the oxidation, but did not remove it.
So, rather than fight the oxidation I decided to embrace it. I spiked the wine to 20%ABV with Everclear and sweetened it up to 8bx with Petite Sirah Concentrate. The result is a slightly tawny Petite Sirah. Quite pleasant.

3 Cases produced.

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